100 Things Every Designer Needs to Know About People	Susan M. Weinschenk

100 Things Every Designer Needs to Know About People

100 Things Every Designer Needs to Know About People

by Susan M. Weinschenk

by Susan M. Weinschenk

🕐 Reading time: 4 hours

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🔖 Summary:

"100 Things Every Designer Needs to Know About People" explores how understanding human behavior can improve design and communication. She explains that designers (and not only) need to consider how people think, feel, and behave to create more effective and engaging designs. The book breaks down psychological principles into practical insights that can be applied to design work, making it easier for readers to understand and use these concepts.

Weinschenk covers various topics, including how people perceive visual information, the importance of cognitive biases, and the role of emotions in decision-making. She emphasizes that knowing how people process information helps in creating designs that are both user-friendly and persuasive. The book also highlights how to use this knowledge to enhance presentations by making them more relatable and impactful.

The book tells that good design involves more than just visual appeal; it's about comprehending and considering the mental and emotional reactions of your audience.

💡 Why worth reading?

  • Will help you design effective visuals by learning how people perceive and process visual information.

  • Will help you engage your audience by learning how to apply psychological principles to create more relatable content.

  • Will help you influence decisions by learning about cognitive biases and how they affect audience behavior.

  • Will help you connect emotionally by learning how to use emotional triggers to make your presentations more impactful.

🔖 What people say about "100 Things Every Designer Needs to Know About People"?

"Im not a designer so I can't speak for how useful it is to designers, but as a strategy consultant, I found it really great. It's a great intro to a lot of design considerations for anyone who wants to build something.

I don't think it's meant to be a deep dive into design and that world of thinking. Very easy and fun read."

Priya, Goodreads

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Videos related to "100 Things Every Designer Needs to Know About People"

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Behavioral Scientist Susan Weinschenk: Using Vision Science to Design Better Products

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