Speak Up with Confidence	Jack Valenti

Speak Up with Confidence

Speak Up with Confidence

by Jack Valenti

by Jack Valenti

🕐 Reading time: 4 - 6 hours

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🔖 Summary:

In his book "Speak Up with Confidence", Jack Valenti advises on how to be a better and more convincing speaker. Valenti, who has experience in public service and Hollywood, stresses that speaking well isn't about using fancy words or perfect grammar. Instead, it's about clearly communicating your message and connecting with your audience. He believes that confidence comes from being well-prepared and knowing your material thoroughly.

Valenti advises readers to focus on their audience, understand their needs, and tailor the message to resonate with them. He also highlights the importance of storytelling, using personal experiences and anecdotes to make your points more relatable and engaging. By practicing your speech and staying calm under pressure, you can build your confidence and deliver more effective presentations.

Another important point from the book is Valenti's advice on dealing with nerves. He explains that nearly everyone feels nervous when speaking in front of others, but with the right mindset and practice, you can turn that nervous energy into a powerful tool that makes your presentation even more compelling.

💡 Why worth reading?

  • Will help you connect with your audience by learning how to tailor your message to their needs.

  • Will help you stay calm under pressure by learning how to manage nerves and turn them into positive energy.

  • Will help you deliver with confidence by learning how preparation leads to better control over your material.

  • Will help you engage your listeners by learning how to use storytelling and personal anecdotes effectively.

🔖 What people say about "Speak Up with Confidence"?

"A practitioner's guide for public speaking by a master practitioner. Valenti (1921-2007) was a top aid to President Lyndon B. Johnson, prior to his service as President of the Motion Picture Association of America.

This book is a gold mine of communication insights and step-by-step help for improving as a public speaker. I gave this four stars rather than five (though for exceptional, clear, practical help it is a five) due to the fact that it doesn't cover speaking with the use of presentation helps such as Keynote or PowerPoint.

Of course, these tools came of age after Valenti's time. Still, an outstanding work and great first stop for any aspiring speaker or one who wants to continually hone his/her craft."

Tommy, Goodreads

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