Made to Stick: Why Some Ideas Survive and Others Die	Chip Heath and Dan Heath

Made to Stick: Why Some Ideas Survive and Others Die

Made to Stick: Why Some Ideas Survive and Others Die

by Chip Heath and Dan Heath

by Chip Heath and Dan Heath

🕐 Reading time: 6 - 8 hours

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🔖 Summary:

In "Made to Stick," Chip and Dan Heath explain why some ideas are easy to remember while others are lost in the void. They introduce the concept of "sticky" ideas, those that people remember and act on. The key is to make ideas simple, unexpected, concrete, credible, emotional and told through stories. These principles help ideas stick in people's minds.

The book breaks down each of these six principles. For example, making ideas simple means focusing on the core message, while using unexpected twists to grab attention. Concrete details help people understand and remember, and credibility builds trust. By tapping into emotions and telling stories, ideas become even more powerful and memorable.

"Made to Stick" shows that anyone can make their ideas more impactful by following these six principles. Whether you're giving a presentation, writing a pitch, or trying to explain something important, making your message stick is about how you craft and deliver it.

💡 Why worth reading?

  • Will help you grab attention by learning how to use unexpected elements in your presentation.

  • Will help you clarify your message by learning how to simplify complex ideas into core principles.

  • Will help you make your points memorable by learning how to use concrete examples and details.

  • Will help you build trust with your audience by learning how to add credibility to your claims.

  • Will help you inspire action by learning how to tap into emotions through storytelling.

🔖 What people say about "Made to Stick: Why Some Ideas Survive and Others Die"?

"When I have enough money to buy books again, I'm planning to build a marketing and communications library. It will consist of three books: "The Tipping Point" by Malcolm Gladwell, "Influence" by Robert Cialdini, and this book, which is maybe the one of the three that knocked me on my butt most often as I was reading it.

This book will be highly useful to any entrepreneur, parent, pastor/rabbi, teacher, advertiser, CEO, or other communicator who needs to get his or her point across."

Anya, Goodreads

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Made to Stick: Why Some Ideas Survive and Others Die (animated book summary)

MADE TO STICK by Chip Heath and Dan Heath | Animated Core Message

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